Friday, January 16, 2009

First time for everything

This is my first attempt at blogging and for the life of me I can't figure out why I'm doing it.
My niece ( gorgeous one in the middle AKA blogger as SeriouslyShelly) got me intrigued. Shelly is also pictured below. The bookends are my sons Aaron 39 and Mat 29. I know I am too young for such old sons. I have a bit of trouble trying to figure out this whole set like where do the pictures go, and how to post my favorite blog sites. A lot of trial and error.

My sons and I live in WA. although not together. Thank you God and I know the bookends would probably say the same thing. There is a reason why you can't go home again and a law against eating your young. Seriously, sorry to us your line Shelly, I love my sons and I think they kinda like me too. At least that is what they say when I ask "Anyone up for a road trip?" I will continue with that theme later. Whew that didn't hurt too bad, first time and all.